Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Let's Build A Pompous Planet

IBM is a behemoth of a company. They are the second largest company in the world, the second most profitable, and employ over four hundred thousand people (I’m not one of them). Clearly they’re doing something right. But despite these accolades, they’re commercials are real douchey. They come off as pretentious, with a holier-than-thou attitude. They portray themselves as so “innovative”, “progressive”, and “sustainable”. These buzz words are hollow, obnoxious, and make them sound like George Clooney’s Oscar acceptance speech (http://clooneyclips.com/george-clooney-oscar-acceptance-speech-syriana/ ).

The most recent affront is IBM’s commercial concerning food supplies (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jv-Vc5XoDLY ). It presents some typical IBM’ers on how food gets spoiled en route and how IBM is making a “smarter planet’ by getting our rations to the table fresh.

Nice idea, but quit with the preaching.

We get it, IBM people are smart, but they don’t have to smell their own farts every time a commercial airs. Stop with the “sustainable” undertones; the dinner table in the woods, the chick tilling the farm, the blue collar truck driver shipping local product. IBM wants to show how they’re so in touch with the earth. Guess what? No one cares. You’re a company involved in computers and technology. Do your job and save the environmental business for people who really make a difference, like Paul Watson.

And don’t forget the multicultural peddling. Everyone in the commercial is of a different background or country, as if IBM engenders some sort of global utopia that envelops people of all nationalities and walks of life. Fine idea, but wake up kids, that’s not the real world. And to mention Norway, Canada, and Vietnam as the trendsetter’s? Did these people spin off the planet? Since when did the U.S., or any country for that matter, follow in the footsteps a Third World nation, a Scandinavian country which most people couldn’t point out on a map, and the neighbor to the north, America lite? And to top it off, the main character in this debacle is a guy with a fu-man-chu. He looks more like a kid-toucher in a YMCA than someone making the world smarter.

Maybe its just advertisement. Maybe I’m overly critical. Maybe I’m angry. And maybe I’m just simply unemployed. Be that as it may, IBM has to relax with their douchey agenda. Get off your high horse richies.

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