Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Douche Bag with Chris Matthews

Not to get too political here, but there is nothing better than when a biased talking head gets made to look like an ass on national television. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it is so sweet. In this clip, Republican Michele Bachmann is being interviewed after winning a seat in Congress, much to the chagrin of left-winged Matthews. Despite the victory, what really stole the show was the sign that some legend at the Ms.Bachmann's rally held up in the background.

Matthews and Olbermann sharing a shit sandwich on set.
The "tingle" refers to Matthews speech after the election of President Obama. On air, he got down on his knees and went to town on the newly elected Commander-in-Chief by saying that he would do anything in his power to make sure Obama's presidency works, and that he had a "tingle" in his leg from the results of the election. Ignoring the homosexual undertone of that comment, Matthews clearly showed just how biased, and gay, he really is. I don't know who that kid is at the Bachmann rally, but seeing Matthews and his partner Keith Olbermann (more on him later) with thumbs in their respective asses was one of the more rewarding experiences of my life.

And Rachel Maddow looks like a dog. An ugly dog. A really ugly dog.