Christmas comes early. Talk about an awesome stocking stuffer. Be sure to get one before they're sold out. First 1,000 buyers get a complementary flannel shirt and a 4th grade reading level.
This is a blog for poor post-grads, by poor post-grads. If you're as unemployed, broke, and bored as we are, we hope our unimpressive observations offer a brief reprieve from your miserable situation. Enjoy.
Friday, November 26, 2010
A Black Friday Steal
Christmas comes early. Talk about an awesome stocking stuffer. Be sure to get one before they're sold out. First 1,000 buyers get a complementary flannel shirt and a 4th grade reading level.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Good Tune of the Week
Classic Bee Gees. Go ahead and listen, there's nothing to be ashamed of.
For more music check out Harold's music blog at
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
"I like to be part of the solution and not part of the problem!"
Poor, defenseless creatures. |
Monday, November 22, 2010
Marvin Lewis, we're waiting for you.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Craigslist Pick of the Week
Water Tester
Date: 2010-11-11, 8:51AM CST
Reply to: see below
Water Testers
$2,000-3,000 to start
$4,000-5,000 Second Year
No experience necessary
H.S./College Preferred
Management opportunities
Will Train
Water testing in Kansas is no walk in the park. |
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Hope, Change, Chia Pets
Yes, this is an actual commercial promoting an actual product. If I needed anymore reasons to not like Obama, this is the clincher. There's almost too much to say. First of all, the fact that Obama is being compared to Lincoln and Washington is like comparing Shia LaBeouf in Wall Street 2 to Charlie Sheen in the original. It's an atrocity. I'm offended that there are people in this world who would even think that, let alone express that opinion via Chia Pet.
Bud "Effin" Fox |
And what the hell is a Chia Pet anyway? Are those things really still around? In a world of iPhones, GPS, and Crocs, how are these things still relevant? And what cruel, cruel bastard is going to give that to someone as a gift on Christmas? Scarier still, there actually will be someone who think's that's a good idea. I have to stop because honestly, words can no longer express the fury I feel.
I hate you Shia LaBeouf. I really hate you.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
"All the News That's Fit to Print"
And this too.
Douche Bag with Chris Matthews
Matthews and Olbermann sharing a shit sandwich on set. |
And Rachel Maddow looks like a dog. An ugly dog. A really ugly dog.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Put Her Away
Pam working the sideline at last years Super Bowl. |
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Who's next? Dwayne Jarret? LenDale White? Dominique Byrd? All of these guys were All-American/All-Conference players who were supposed to be studs in the NFL and what happened? Bust, bust, bust. Jarret was cut from the Carolina Panthers following a DUI arrest. White is fat, which, coupled with the emergence of Chris Johnson, was the reason why the Titans traded him to the Seahawks, where he dropped on the depth chart, tore his achilles tendon, and now sits at home watching his USC friends suck. Byrd was supposed to be the future at the tight end position, but after an average senior year, he was drafted to the Rams, cut, picked up by the Cardinals, and then cut again. Pro-Bowl here we come. John David Booty is up there too. Although he was not as highly touted as his Trojan contemporaries, JDB was supposed to be a good pro quarterback. But, after sitting behind Brett Favre, Tavaris Jackson, and Sage Rosenfels on the Vikings depth chart, he was released and now is as unemployed as I am. I would love to throw Mark Sanchez under the bus, but its a little too soon, even though he's still a tool. Steve Smith of the Giants is probably the only offensive player out of that 2005 Rose Bowl-losing team who is doing marginally well.
All-in-all, the 2005 USC Trojans were all talk and no taco when it came down to it. They blew it in the Rose Bowl against Texas, and then they all blew it in their professional careers. OK fine, maybe it's because I;m a little jealous. It's not like I'm doing anything sweet either or have ever had as much success as they have. I'm sitting in my basement judging guys who probably have a better life than I will ever aspire to, but you know what? I'm over it. I find some solace in taking shots at them when I can. They can have some, losers.
I Hate Hispters
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Parenting 101
Monday, November 8, 2010
Overacting #4
Craigslist Pick of the Week
In order to get some sort of income, I've been looking on Craigslist to find some odd jobs. As anyone who has ever gone on Craigslist, there is definitely some awesome stuff. So I have decided to implement a weekly post dedicated completely to the unique job opportunities at my finger tips. If you see anything you like, feel free to apply! But be aware, I am collecting finders fees.
Pick of the Week:
exp. tree climber wanted (mechanicsburg)
Date: 2010-11-05, 6:07PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
- Location: mechanicsburg, pa
- Compensation: will be discussed at time of interview
- Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
- Please, no phone calls about this job!
- Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
"Hey Peter, what's happenin'?"
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Sweet TV
I am so effing unemployed. You know it’s bad when on a Saturday night you’re designated driving for your parents (although the DD may quickly turn to drunk driving after a few more
But you know what makes this night better? Football. And I’m not talking college football (although I enjoyed watching Nick Saban and his quarterback - who looks like the villain in Ghost - eat a deli-sized shit sandwich from Les Miles AKA Kurt Russel).
I’m talking Friday Night Lights, the television series. The show is incredible. I typically hate TV dramas, but this show really tickles me pink. My interest started with the bad-ass movie, and then was further piqued by Bill Simmons article “Please, help me keep the 'Lights' on” ( ). But my curiosity got a real shot of methamphetamines when I got mono my sophomore year in college. I went home for two weeks and decided to explore some episodes. I was instantly hooked. Doctors said I slowed my recovery by a month; I was up until 3 am every morning watching the series. Worth every minute.
Not much has changed. I’m currently catching up on the 4th season. Everything about it is cooler than me. One of the main characters, #33 Tim Riggins, is the coolest guy you wished you met. He makes The Most Interesting Man in the World look like Maggie Gyllenhaal. He was Matt Leinart when Matt Leinart used to be Matt Leinart. When he’s not golfing beer cans into a gorge or sleeping in a pickup in the desolate
Not only is Riggins simply awe inspiring, but the rest of the cast is entertaining as well. They’re the rug that ties the room together. The girls are all smoke (except for the baby Taylor. She’s a combination of an alien and Damien from The Omen). Lyla Garrity (Minka Kelly) is just phenomenal. When she’s not knocking boots with Riggins on the show, she’s cutting a rug with Derek Jeter (Is it gay if I’m jealous of her?). Mrs, Taylor is a pleasure to watch, and I would be so lucky for my wife to look that good at 50. And Coach Taylor is just as cool. He’s come a long way from his days on Early Edition. He’s a solid actor, playing a very convincing coach and dad, which is tough to find in most cable shows. In addition, the McCoy’s are perfect douchebags. They do a great job of getting people to hate them. I legitimately dislike them as characters and hence, as people. If they needed a ride somewhere, I probably wouldn’t pick them up. That’s hatred.
And to really top it off, the show is about football, not the OC, or 90210, or other non-sweet plots. It’s about football in
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Concussion, Shmishmussion
But what people don't seem to realize is that they aren't getting to the root of the problem. Players are bigger, stronger, and faster than ever before. The technology and training of a pro-athletes body has surpassed well beyond the bodies ability to stabilize the brain upon impact. Albeit, concussions have been an issue well before some of these freak athletes tossed around the 'ol pigskin, but it is apparent that in recent years, it has become much more of a problem.
So how do you solve it? How do you stop players from hurling their bodies at each other, head first, and literally knocking themselves out? Personally, I think we're all looking at the wrong ailment. The injury that should be under scrutiny right now isn't to the head, but to the triceps, biceps, and pectoral muscles. I'm talking about muscle tears.
To most, muscle tears seem like an obvious injury to guys who are working out with heavy weights and exerting an extreme amount of stress on their bodies during game play. What people don't see, or choose to ignore, is that a muscle tear is the biggest red flag for steroid use. Honestly, who rips their pectoral muscle? Their bicep? Their tricep? I'm not a strong guy, but I've worked out before and I couldn't imagine lifting enough weights where I could literally rip my muscle. I wouldn't even be able to get a weight capable of that off of the rack.
According to Muscle and Strength ( , muscle tears, among many others, is a major side effect of steroids:
The use of steroids can make a person feel stronger than they actually are, resulting in trying to lift heavier weights than their body is actually capable of, which can lead to muscle tears. The muscle can get stronger more rapidly than the strength of the tendons then a greater possibility of tendon rupture is likely to occur.
C'mon, who are we kidding here. Elvis Dumervil is a great example. A stud defensive end for the Broncos, Dumervil tore his pectoral muscle and is now sidelined for the season. Dumervil was the leader in sacks last seasons and is a physical specimen. Besides his natural ability, I wonder what gave him that edge? Dozens of other players have been put on the PUP this year because of similar tears and ruptures.
In baseball for the past decade, players past and present are being vilified for the performance-enhancing drugs they took. The witch hunt turned Mark McGwire into Sally Field on live television in front of the whole country. Right or wrong, effective or pointless, the MLB went after steroid users. You won't see that in the NFL. Like James Harrison alluded to in his rambling, insane diatribe, changing the physical aspect of the game will change football. Polamalu said the same. The reason why football is the number one sport in America is because of the violence. People like to watch the big hits, the loud impacts, and the overall physicality. What drew throngs of people to the Coliseum in ancient Rome is the same thing that draws people to the stadiums. Human beings haven't changed. They want the action and football provides it.
How else do you explain guys like Shawn Merriman getting caught with steroids and only getting suspended for a few games? The NFL needs monsters like Merriman out there playing and getting the league huge ratings. The problem isn't concussions, its the physical nature of the game that makes football, football. Its the reason why every Saturday and Sunday in the fall, every man cave from the Atlantic to the Pacific centers their whole day around the game.
The physicality puts people in the seats. Teams make money by putting people in the seats, so they get good players who can hit. These players get paid to do it. To get an edge that could lead to a lucrative contract, players take steroids to deliver those big hits. As a result, more hits, more muscle tears, and more concussions.They're positively related. Violence begets more violence. Goodell thinks fines are the answer. Harrison and Polamalu thinks it should be left alone. The fact is, they're both ignoring the root of the problem. Football is violent. That's the nature of the game and there is nothing you can do to change that, other than changing the game itself. The real issue is the steroid use that is taking football from the realm of physical to the realm of dangerous.
Unless someone addresses this issue, the concussions will only get worse. The incentive is for players to kill each other so that they get that big contract, and so steroids will always be a means to an end. As Steve Latimer said, it's all about the "place at the table". Steroids are a fact of life in sports. Unless people wake up and realize that steroids is just as much of a problem in football it is in baseball, or biking for that matter (thanks a lot, Lance), the concussion problem won't go away.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Overacting #3
Tool Time With Bill Maher
Actual excerpt from the show:
Maher: I hate gas-guzzlers! I like to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.
Matt Damon: Me too!
Al Gore: I know I haven't been relevant for some time now, but we are all so much smarter and super-er than every one else.
George Clooney: Americans are so narrow-minded. I wish we could just run the country so that every one could have a voice; except for conservatives, evangelicals, tea party people, anyone who believes in God, pro-lifers, rednecks, white people, people who eat meat, people who don't drive Hybrids, people who aren't in PETA, business men who work hard and make a lot of money, and people who think America is a great country.
Kathy Griffin: I don't know why everyone hates me?
OK, OK, maybe that didn't really happen. But then again, didn't it? Maybe not this blatantly, but doesn't Bill Maher just get his pretentious, douche bag friends to get together and talk about how they're so enlightened and everyone else is retarded? Man, they may be right, if it wasn't for people, this world will be so much better. Seriously, you're an ass. I could sit around and talk to my like-minded friends about opinions we have in common, too. Really ground breaking stuff here, Billy.
What a bunch of BJ's. I don't need to get biased, terrible opinions from people whose profession it is to act, i.e. not live in the real world. Trust me, if I wanted to get an opinion on the economy or the war in Iraq, I wouldn't ask BearManPig or the guy who co-starred in Gigli.
Alright politics and terrible show aside, Bill Maher has a face made for radio. He may be the ugliest person in America. If he somehow found a woman (or guy?) to procreate with, his baby would look something like this . You want to talk about an unfair world? How about a guy who looks like Sarah Jessica Parker getting his own TV show and making lots of money while I'm still unemployed.
Bill Maher has his own TV show, Michael Bay is still making movies, and I can't even get an interview. Whatever, screw it, at least I don't look like the old goat from Oregon Trail.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Monthly Clip from an Underrated College Movie
If you haven't seen this 90's classic, you haven't been to college.