This is a blog for poor post-grads, by poor post-grads. If you're as unemployed, broke, and bored as we are, we hope our unimpressive observations offer a brief reprieve from your miserable situation. Enjoy.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Don't steal movies
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Overacting #2

Why America is Dumb
It's Anchorman, Not Anchorlady!
Our friends at Deadspin really hit the nail on the head here. Ever since the Kornhesier episode last year, I've been following Hannah and her provocative dress. More often than not, she is dressed like she's looking for a good time. Even her last name is sweet, although after some extensive research on Wikipedia I discovered that "Storm" is only her stage name, and her actual last name is "Storen", significantly uglier. (Sidenote: Sage Steele's name is actually Sage Steele. That is so awesome).
I guess people can say whatever they want about her, but at the end of the day, she's a big reason why I still watch Sports Center.
More Halloween Inspiration
Dream Job
What Should You Do? Check Your Premises
If you haven’t seen it yet, check out Nike’s new commercial with Lebron James.
But then LBJ seems to get defiant. He raises the questions whether he should think his reputation is tarnished, if he should play the villain, if he’s after money, or rings; and in the process he rips Sir Charles Barkley (due to comments made by Barkley about Lebron last summer), mocking Chaz’s early 90’s “I’m not a role model” commercial ( ).
Then he changes gears and sarcastically offers solutions to the issue, suggesting he should try acting, sell shoes, or simply disappear. Finally he wraps up with the clincher… “Should I be who you want me to be?”.
Bravo Lebron. That commercial was pretty entertaining (as Nike’s usually are). You stood your ground, defended yourself, made my main man Charles Barkley look like an a-hole, and basically said “I’m King James, I’m going to do whatever the hell I want. You don’t own me.” In that respect, he’s absolutely right. It was his choice to leave
But what Lebron doesn’t understand, and where the commercial fails, is that no one hates him for leaving
Check your premises Lebron, people don’t hate you for leaving. They hate you for the same reason you held that hour long “Decision”; for the same reason you made this new commercial; and the same reason I doubt you’ll get a ring. It’s because you’re arrogant. Once you reconcile that contradiction in your reasoning, maybe you’ll win back some hearts. But sorry “King”, the commercial didn’t work. The blood’s still dripping.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Obesity? A Thing of the Past
Let's Build A Pompous Planet
IBM is a behemoth of a company. They are the second largest company in the world, the second most profitable, and employ over four hundred thousand people (I’m not one of them). Clearly they’re doing something right. But despite these accolades, they’re commercials are real douchey. They come off as pretentious, with a holier-than-thou attitude. They portray themselves as so “innovative”, “progressive”, and “sustainable”. These buzz words are hollow, obnoxious, and make them sound like George Clooney’s Oscar acceptance speech ( ).
Nice idea, but quit with the preaching.
We get it, IBM people are smart, but they don’t have to smell their own farts every time a commercial airs. Stop with the “sustainable” undertones; the dinner table in the woods, the chick tilling the farm, the blue collar truck driver shipping local product. IBM wants to show how they’re so in touch with the earth. Guess what? No one cares. You’re a company involved in computers and technology. Do your job and save the environmental business for people who really make a difference, like Paul Watson.
Maybe its just advertisement. Maybe I’m overly critical. Maybe I’m angry. And maybe I’m just simply unemployed. Be that as it may, IBM has to relax with their douchey agenda. Get off your high horse richies.
America The Painful
More Halloween Inspiration
Oops! I Ruined the Cowboys
It doesn't help the situation that he looks like he had a peepee accident in his pants every time the camera pans to him. I heard Jason Whitten started calling him Fuller. Honestly, the man looks like he's one apologetic press conference away from senility.
The season is a disaster and all fingers (of the middle variety) point to him. The Cowboys lead the league in almost every statistical category, and yet they're still 1-5. That's coaching right there. It's like there's a race between Wade and Norv Turner for who can lose their job first. And if you believe for a second that Jerry Jones is going to keep Fuller, er, Wade around for next season, you are high. This is the same guy who fired Tom Landry. I'm sure he will have no issue kicking this perennial loser to the curb. John Gruden know's it too; he brought copies of his resume to the broadcast tonight.
I will, however, give credit where credit is due. It takes a special talent to take one of the most talented teams in football and make them an NFL doormat. And with John Kitna as the man behind center for the foreseeable future, I think Wade may need to invest in another package of Dipends.
Welcome to the club, Wade!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Overacting is For Chumps
I hate overacting. There’s something about it that really grinds my gears. Granted, they’re trying to portray a role to the best of their ability, but seriously, sometimes it’s downright offensive. Aren’t these guys supposed to be professionals, masters of their craft? It’s almost as if these people are trying to show the audience how “powerful” they are and in the process making themselves look like total jackwaggons (Thank you Geico). Come on fella’s, you guys pretend for a living. Some of you are good, some aren’t, but let’s not act (sick pun!) like you’re some kind of super-perceptive being. The most talented actors are good because you forget their acting; the other chumps are just compensating for sucking. Or they’re still pissed about getting shoved in lockers in Junior High.
In lieu of this rant, I will be, in no particular order, periodically posting some of the most classic overacting scenes in cinema history. Some of these actors are talented, but have a momentary lapse of acting-douchebaggery. Others are just tuuurible. Enjoy the clips and feel free to send some my way.
Overacting #1
Mel Gibson is a Wildman. When he’s not making badass movies, he’s assaulting women, making racial slurs, and starring in Foster’s ads while driving. He’s also trying to find his son.
Have you ever paid $765 for a beer?
"According to Scottish firm BrewDog, “The End of History” is the “strongest (55% alcohol), most expensive and most shocking beer in the world.”
San Francisco Giants
Steroids Are for Losers
Here's a piece for our World Series coverage.
Who cares about steroids anymore? All that talk about McGwire, Palmero, Sosa, Bonds, and A-Rod and their performance enhancement drugs. Yeah sure, they broke some records, but the bottom line is winning. How many World Series rings did they get when they were juicing? Zero.
The real wonder drug you ask? Cocaine. Although the Rangers haven’t won the ‘ship yet, you can’t deny that
Let’s not forget about Ron Washington. He calls his coke use a “weak moment” but at age 57, you don’t have a weak moment. When was the last time a coach failed a drug test? This guy parties hard and clearly has done so for a while. He’s the manager of the Rangers, the Pablo Escobar if you will, and he sets the tone. Don’t believe me? Take a look at this amateur video capturing Esco-Ron speaking to kids at an MLB outreach program . Not only is he huffing in the dugout, but he’s helping everyone else get the “edge”. Notice how many South American baller’s they have? He recruits them for more than their talent. Remember when he went to the mound about thirty times in Game 1 against the Yanks? He wasn’t calming the pitchers, he was getting after that “rosin bag”. How else do you think Cliff Lee can throw 130 pitches and finish the game against the defending champs? You think that stain on his hat is from wear-and-tear? That’s just another “coaching tip” from Ron.
Everyone always points the fingers at steroids, but in reality, juicing is for losers. The real performance enhancers ride the white pony, and that’s why I’m confident the Rangers will be riding in the offseason with some rings.
Fear Fest
Howard Reslin
Greatest Commercial Ever?
Halloween Tip for the Funemployed
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Herbie Hancock
I don't really need to see Moby instant messaging his boyfriend about their iffy retirement situation. If your future is that dubious and you really need a solution, how about getting out of the trendy coffee shop and getting a job. Is that really what you do all day? Stop complaining and be the lead man for a New Radicals cover band, or become Patrick Stewart's stunt double, or something. C.mon, there are plenty of lucrative opportunities for a man of your looks.
And also, if you are going to sit there all day updating your Facebook status, how about turning the volume off on your computer, you ass. There are other paying customers there who don't need to hear Mr. Monopoly crying to his life partner about messing up the rest of his life.
Screw you John Hancock. And you too Moby.