Sunday, October 24, 2010

Herbie Hancock

Quite possibly the most obnoxious commercial out right now is the new John Hancock Life Insurance ad's

I don't really need to see Moby instant messaging his boyfriend about their iffy retirement situation. If your future is that dubious and you really need a solution, how about getting out of the trendy coffee shop and getting a job. Is that really what you do all day? Stop complaining and be the lead man for a New Radicals cover band, or become Patrick Stewart's stunt double, or something. C.mon, there are plenty of lucrative opportunities for a man of your looks.

And also,  if you are going to sit there all day updating your Facebook status, how about turning the volume off on your computer, you ass. There are other paying customers there who don't need to hear Mr. Monopoly crying to his life partner about messing up the rest of his life.

Screw you John Hancock. And you too Moby.

1 comment:

MAOB said...

You only get what you give