Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Should You Do? Check Your Premises

If you haven’t seen it yet, check out Nike’s new commercial with Lebron James.

Damn Lebron, you’re really throwing a lot out there. Let’s break it down. Throughout the commercial Lebron asks “What should I do?” and continues in that vein, asking other related questions. At first, he seems apologetic, posing questions like “Should I admit that I’ve made mistakes?”, and then, in a more specific way involving Cleveland, asking “Should I tell you how much fun we had?” as his Witness banner is torn down.

But then LBJ seems to get defiant. He raises the questions whether he should think his reputation is tarnished, if he should play the villain, if he’s after money, or rings; and in the process he rips Sir Charles Barkley (due to comments made by Barkley about Lebron last summer), mocking Chaz’s early 90’s “I’m not a role model” commercial ( ).

Then he changes gears and sarcastically offers solutions to the issue, suggesting he should try acting, sell shoes, or simply disappear. Finally he wraps up with the clincher… “Should I be who you want me to be?”.

Bravo Lebron. That commercial was pretty entertaining (as Nike’s usually are). You stood your ground, defended yourself, made my main man Charles Barkley look like an a-hole, and basically said “I’m King James, I’m going to do whatever the hell I want. You don’t own me.” In that respect, he’s absolutely right. It was his choice to leave Cleveland. After all, the only reason he was there was because some ping pong ball in a draft lottery in 2003 happened to land on the Cavs. He doesn’t owe them a thing.

But what Lebron doesn’t understand, and where the commercial fails, is that no one hates him for leaving Cleveland (except for Cleveland fans, but who cares about them, their city really does suck. Check out this tourist video if you don’t believe me: )

A la Atlas Shrugged, if there’s a contradiction in your reasoning, check your premises. Lebron believes people hated him for leaving Cleveland, but they hate him for the way he did it, not because he left. He dragged not only the Cavs, but a dozen other teams, along all summer, tantalizing them with his potential interest in signing, only to burn them in his unbelievably arrogant and obnoxious “Decision” (although a lot of blame for that has to be given to his agents and managers. What team of monkey’s is guiding his life?). Regardless, you could see that he just loved the attention and limelight. Weighing his options you say? Go-Fish. He knew he was leaving Cleveland and it was obvious New York and New Jersey weren’t going to be picked. He was like the hot chick at the bar, flirting with dudes to get free drinks, knowing full well she’s going to go home to her husband. And because of the way he handled his free agency, he lost a lot of fans, particularly in the Midwest. As Bill Simmons said, Lebron better wipe the blood from his knife after he pulls it out of Cleveland’s back.

Check your premises Lebron, people don’t hate you for leaving. They hate you for the same reason you held that hour long “Decision”; for the same reason you made this new commercial; and the same reason I doubt you’ll get a ring. It’s because you’re arrogant. Once you reconcile that contradiction in your reasoning, maybe you’ll win back some hearts. But sorry “King”, the commercial didn’t work. The blood’s still dripping.

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