Monday, October 25, 2010

Overacting is For Chumps

I hate overacting. There’s something about it that really grinds my gears. Granted, they’re trying to portray a role to the best of their ability, but seriously, sometimes it’s downright offensive. Aren’t these guys supposed to be professionals, masters of their craft? It’s almost as if these people are trying to show the audience how “powerful” they are and in the process making themselves look like total jackwaggons (Thank you Geico). Come on fella’s, you guys pretend for a living. Some of you are good, some aren’t, but let’s not act (sick pun!) like you’re some kind of super-perceptive being. The most talented actors are good because you forget their acting; the other chumps are just compensating for sucking. Or they’re still pissed about getting shoved in lockers in Junior High.

In lieu of this rant, I will be, in no particular order, periodically posting some of the most classic overacting scenes in cinema history. Some of these actors are talented, but have a momentary lapse of acting-douchebaggery. Others are just tuuurible. Enjoy the clips and feel free to send some my way.

Overacting #1

Mel Gibson is a Wildman. When he’s not making badass movies, he’s assaulting women, making racial slurs, and starring in Foster’s ads while driving. He’s also trying to find his son.

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