Thursday, October 28, 2010

Don't steal movies

So I am doing my daily look around the internet see whats going down. And I began reading an article about Limewire being shut down by a court injunction. I realize the problem here in stealing music and movies and I understand it is a crime, and I was fully on board with the argument until I saw this video that was also featured in the article.

I mean is this a serious animation to get kids to stop downloading the latest Sisqo song. You have got to be kidding me. It shows this guy just bashing some old woman's face in and stealing her purse, that is not on the same level as downloading "I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry" off of Limewire, I'm sorry it just isn't. And by the way, BP Execs are ok to spill Oil Tankers in the ocean and potentially ruin the environment, but kids don't steal movies.

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